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Michael Matt interviews Atila Sinke Guimaraes 


The Statement We Resist You to the Face (April 2000) received an outpouring of support from around the world, and also a barrage of accusations from both progressivists and sede-vacantists who are trying to place the authors outside the visible Church.
To clarify this complex issue, Michael J. Matt (one of the authors) interviews Atila Sinke Guimarães (the principal author) about the main criticisms received. Those who are distressed by the statements and actions of the present Pope should read this booklet to see why sede-vacantism is not a viable option.

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Resistance Versus Sedevecantism

SKU: B-4
  • Paperback: 20 pages
    Publisher: Tradition in Action, Inc. (2001)
    Language: English
    ASIN: B005GQMW1I
    UNSPSC Code: 55101500

  • No Returns or Exchanges on Books, Booklets, CDs, or DVDs

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