About Us
Tradition In Action is committed to defend the perennial Magisterium of Holy Mother Church and Catholic traditions. TIA also works for a restoration of Christian Civilization, adapted to contemporary historical circumstances.
For almost 20 years, we have educated the public on the crisis in the Church as well as how to build good Catholic customs. Our directors Dr. Marian Horvat and Atila Guimarães are the authors of two unparalleled collections: the four book series on Our Lady of Good Success, and the 11-volume Collection on Vatican Council II. Both are authoritative collections on their respective subjects, and have enjoyed international success since 1999. In addition, our organization has published several books on Catholic customs and etiquette.
We believe it is not enough simply to restore the Mass of Ages, but also to restore the ensemble of Catholic doctrine as well as the fundamental principles of Catholic Civilization.
Learn more about us and read our daily articles on: WWW.TRADITIONINACTION.ORG
The TIA logo pictures the statue of the Emperor Charlemagne with his knights Roland and Olivier. This bronze monument stands in the front square of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. For more on Charlemagne, click here.
We welcome your tax-deductible donation to TIA, Inc., a non-profit (501 c3) corporation. A traditional Mass is said each month for our supporters.
Please contact us with your questions or comments.