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Atila Sinke Guimarães


Volume 7 of the Collection Eli, Eli, Lamma, Sabacthani?


How the progressivist Church - using the systems of de Chardin, Rahner and von Balthasar - is changing the very notion of God


How is God - as Absolute, Transcedent and Personal - being denied today? Read this Volume to find out.

Nothing can be more important than the notion that we have of God, since the whole idea of adoring the One who creates and maintains everything in its being is the most basic concept of Religion. Through the centuries, the Catholic Church established her magnificent doctrine on God: He is One and Triune; He is Absolute, Transcendent and Personal.

Now, a New Theology comes saying the opposite. It confuses the Persons, and preaches a Relative, Immanent and Impersonal God. Was it condemned? It should have been, but it was not. Instead it has been largely supported by the religious authorites as an authentic fruit of Vatican II.

Learn about these errors and immunize yourself against them. Read the latest blast by Atila Guimarães in this fight that is become a War of Gods, a much more interesting topic than Star Wars.

Analyzes the novel systems of Rahner and von Balthasar on the Trinity


Read the Introduction and Table of Contents

7 - Destructio Dei (Destruction of God)

SKU: A-29
  • Paperback: 408 pages
    Publisher: Tradition In Action, Inc (2012)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0981979343
    ISBN-13: 978-0981979342
    UNSPSC Code: 55101500
    Package Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1 inches

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