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Atila Sinke Guimarães


Volume 9 of the Collection Eli, Eli Lamma Sabacthani?


A milestone in the fight against Evolutionism & Historicism in the Church!


Creatio offers four main benefits to its readers.

First, Atila Sinke Guimarães attacks two fundamental pillars of Vatican II's Progressivism: Evolutionism and Historicism.

Progressivist Evolutionism is based on Darwinism, but surpasses it. The latter is concerned only with the dynamics of the process. Progressivism completes it by adding an origin – the Alpha Christ – and an end – the Omega Christ. This “Christified” Evolutionism is duly bombarded by the author, who shows that it lacks any scientific basis and is immanentist.

Historicism destroys Catholic Exegesis and Dogmatic Theology. To do this, it bases itself on three reasons – theological, philosophical & scientific – which are also amply refuted in this Volume.

Second, the Author offers a priceless historic overview of how the modernist-progressivists advanced from Leo XIII until Vatican II.

Third, the Author provides one of the best synthesis of Evolutionism's scientific errors that can be found today: short, objective and devastating.

Fourth, to invalidate Historicism, Guimarães sets out an ensemble of Catholic principles and laws that allows his reader to analyze and judge History from the highest perspectives.

Each one of these benefits should be enough to make this Volume an acclaimed work. Altogether, it provides the reader formidable weapons against Progressivism.

Clearly sets out the Conciliar Church's role in promoting Evolutionism!


Read the Introduction and Table of Contents

9 - Creatio (Creation)

SKU: A-33
  • Series: Eli, Eli, Lamma Sabacthani? (Book 9)
    Paperback: 270 pages
    Publisher: Tradition in Action, Inc.; 1st edition (2016)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0981979386
    ISBN-13: 978-0981979380
    UNSPSC Code: 55101500

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